Curling Lounge & Ice Rental Information

The King Curling Club has four sheets of great curling ice, a licensed lounge, a fully equipped kitchen and change rooms with lockers.

Ice rentals are open to members and non-members alike. Instruction will be required, at an additional cost, to groups that contain more than a few non-curlers.


Ice is available for rent when no leagues or events are booked and when it doesn't interfere with ice maintenance or preparation.

Members need to pay the Club to cover the extra ice costs for individual rentals.  Ice must be booked at least THREE business days ahead of the booking - no exceptions.  Members should contact David Barber at [email protected] or [email protected] to make arrangements. Once you have your ice time arranged through Dave, use the Event Registration link and click on the "Ice Rentals" event to submit your payment in advance.  Bookings are non-refundable.

Possible practice ice availability (HST is included on these rates for members): 

Tuesday afternoon 4:30 to 6:00pm - $58 per hour (two sheets available adjacent Youth curling)

Tuesday evening 8:30 to 10:30pm - $58 per hour (two sheets potentially available adjacent Womens League)

Thursday afternoon 1:00 to 3:00pm - $37 per hour (one sheet is available - adjacent Day Ladies)

Thursday afternoon 4:30 to 6 PM - $58 per hour (two sheets available adjacent Youth curling)

Thursday evening 9 to 11pm - $58 per hour (two sheets available adjacent Mixed league)

Friday afternoon 4:30 to 6:30 PM - $58 per hour (one sheet available - adjacent the "Pub" league)

Sunday afternoon 3:30 to 5:30 pm - $45 per hour (one sheet available - adjacent the Mixed league)



Members wanting to organize events should contact David Barber at [email protected] or [email protected] for assistance.

Consult the Club calendar for availability to avoid weekend conflicts as we have a number of reserved dates/times for our club Bonspiels.

Cost: Rental fees are charged per sheet per hour and vary depending on whether the sheet is rented during the day, prime time or weekends according to the Township rate for the Club.  See above. Rental fees are non-refundable. 



The Bonspiel one day rate is $690.00 (inclusive of HST) and includes use of the locker rooms, kitchen, lounge and loaner equipment.



The Club welcomes and encourages outside individuals or groups to rent the facilities.  Equipment such as grippers, sliders and brooms are available to all renters.  Preference is given to King Curling Club events during the season. Consult the Club Calendar for availability.  All existing event bookings are listed on the monthly calendar.  We have good availability during the day. School and other youth groups are most welcome.

Corporate rentals are encouraged to combine a "Learn To Curl" experience with meetings or socials.  

Club coaches and assistant coaches are available to help you try the sport.  An Instructor fee applies.  Inexperienced groups are required to use an Instructor for safety, proper use of the facility and enjoyment.  One instructor for every 8 participant.

For rates and availability non-members should contact Chesney Alexander at the Township of King at [email protected] or call 905-833-6561 between the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday.

Bar facilities may be available for larger groups.  Contact the Director of Bar and Lounge, Bryce Clark at: [email protected] for more information.  



Ice Surface


Lounge and Kitchen



Burt Pabst Bar



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If you are interested in becoming a member of the King Curling Club, visit our Club Info page for League Descriptions and other information about our club or email us at [email protected] with your questions.

Ice Location

25 Dillane Drive
Schomberg, Ontario

Contact Us

PO Box 269
Schomberg, Ontario
L0G 1T0

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